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Educational Activities

The fellowship program offers broad and diverse educational activities which include the following:

PEM Fellow Didactic Conference

The core curriculum consists of formal education every Thursday morning. This time is protected from clinical duties, and consists of lectures, simulation and procedural training, case discussions, and time to complete assigned board review questions and textbook reading. Lectures are given by PEM and EM faculty, PEM fellows, and  faculty from other applicable subspecialties

Morbidity and Mortality Conferences

PEM fellows are required to attend the monthly pediatric trauma M&M, the monthly pediatric department M&M, and the bi-monthly divisional PEM M&M. Senior fellows assist the medical director in the preparation of cases for the divisional conference.

PEM Journal Club

Journal club is held approximately once per quarter, and is traditionally held at a division member’s home. Each fellow is expected to lead one journal club per year with the assistance of an attending.

Pediatric Fellowship Core Lectures

Monthly lectures covering a broad spectrum of topics related to the medical field, such as medial ethics, burnout, billing and coding, and resilience building. This is also a monthly protected time to meet with all of the pediatric subspecialty fellows.

Pediatric Fellowship Research Lectures

Bi-monthly lectures which occur during the PL 1 year for all pediatric subspecialty fellows. This curriculum was developed to prepare and support fellows in the foundation skills needed for conducting human subjects research.  The core components of the curriculum are mentorship, design, evidence-based medicine, and biostatistics.

Pediatric Grand Rounds

Weekly presentations given by UMC faculty, local physicians, and invited speakers.